
Advanced Women's Reconnection Emunah Trip

Due to Covid-19 policy and Israel closing the borders to tourists, unfortunately this trip is put on hold!
Please sign up for the May 9-16th LEVEL UP! GIVE AND GROW ISRAEL TRIP
Emunah Retreat: A Recharge Experience of Mind Body and Soul

Monday Jan 10th, 2022

Arrive in Israel

Tuesday, Jan. 11th, 2022

9:00-11:00  Meet at Cramim hotel   

Welcome - Ice-breaker: Getting to Know You: the silver lining in Covid-19                 Elissa Felder

12:00 Introduction: Our purpose 

1:00 Lunch at Cramim

2:00 Road to the Rules of Health and anti- aging      Yardena Slater

3:00 check in to lodging - Cramim hotel and settle in.

3:00-5:00pm Spa treatments

6:00 Zumba/ Pilates     Miriam Grosz

7:00 Opening dinner at Cramim 

9:00 Face Yoga    Yardena Slater

9:30-11:00 Ladies' Spa Time

Good Night!

Wednesday, Jan. 12

What is our Purpose in Life? Yiud and Tikun

7:00 wake up, meditation, yoga and breakfast

9:00 Writing a Mission Statement for your Life    Dini Coopersmith

10:00 Workshop with Elissa Felder

11:00 Check out and travel to Jerusalem

Classes at Aish 

12:00 Rabanit Yemima Mizrachi: Tu B'shvat and Emunah

1:00 Break for Lunch

Exact Classes TBD

5:00 Check in to David Citadel

7:00 Dinner at a lovely apartment in the Old City

Visit the Kotel

Prayer Circle

Overnight at David Citadel


Thursday, Jan 13

8:00 Yoga and meditation with Lisa Bersche

9:00 Breakfast

10:00 Choosing to Live fully   Rebetzin Aviva Feiner

11:00 Leave to Gush Etzion

11:45 Kever Rachel

1:00 Stop at Pinah Chama- Lunch 

 Give gifts and food to Soldiers

Meet Cheryl Mandel and hear her story of Resilience and Emunah

2:00 Meet Shani Taragin and Tour Chevron and Mearat HaMachpela

5:00 Meet Kenny Kodish at Mitspeh overlook

5:45  Dinner at Kodish home in Neveh Daniel

Q&A and discussion with Debbie Kodish: Why I Chose to Live in Israel- the Challenges and Rewards

Improv games with Debbie Hirsch

8:45 Return to Jerusalem

Overnight David Citadel


Friday. Jan 14

8:00 Breakfast
8:30 Exercise with Atara Weisberger

9:30 Getting in touch with our souls, strengths and talents   Dini Coopersmith

10:45  Bus leaves to Yad Eliezer:  let's help put together food packages for Shabbos!

12:30 Bus to the Shuk- tour, taste and shop for Shabbat Lunch Hosts

Prep for Shabbat

4:00 Leave for Old City 
Candle-lighting at the Aish World Center

Shabbat Scholars - in - Residence: Rabbi and Mrs Dovid and Tzipporah Gottleib
         Kabbalat Shabbat at Kotel
6:00 Dinner at a beautiful apartment in the Old City

Guest Speaker     Rabbi Dovid Gottleib

Oneg at the David Citadel with Elissa Felder

Overnight David Citadel

Shabbat, Jan 15

Connecting with The Infinite

6:30 Breakfast opens
8:00-10:45 Shul options: Kotel, Aish, HaNasi, in the Hotel, Great Synogogue

10:45 Shabbat Shiur: Avodat haMidot- self reflection and improvement  Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller-Gottleib
11:45   Lunch with host families 
 Daily dose of Emunah with "Nesivos Shalom" Dini Coopersmith

4:30 Walk to Kotel/ Mincha/ Seuda Shlishit

6:00 Havdala at beautiful apartment in the Old City

Melaveh Malka

Sunday, Jan 16

7:45 Leave up north with Patrick Amar

9:00 Stop in yishuv Matan

Meet Vered Oren and family

on the bus: 3 Ways to Bring Serenity and Clarity in to your Life    Dini Coopersmith

1:00 Lunch and Learn with Aleeza Ben Shalom  at Pardes Chana 

Prayer - connecting to Hashem             Rebetzin Aviva Feiner

2:30 Head out to Tiberius-dip in the Kinneret

Meet Nava Esther the "Kever Trecker"

5:00 Head to Zichron Yaakov

6:00 Wine and Cholcolate tasting at Tishbi Winery

7:00 Dinner at Tishbi Winery at Zichron Yaakov

Monday, Jan 17

Taking it All Home

Check out and put bags in storage

9:00 Wrestling with Suffering   Rabbi Nechemia Coopersmith

10:00 Keeping the Inspiration Alive    Rebetzin Aviva Feiner

11:00 4 Keynote speakers on Finding Personal Purpose and Inspiration:

Sue Deyo: YASHAR- Mindfulness and Wholeness according to Torah

Sivan Rahav- Meir:  Israel's Spokeswoman for Torah

Yehudit Abrams: Inventor of "Monither"

Beatie Deutsch: Marathon Runner and Mom of 5

1:00-  Jamie Geller: Aishvision2030   a few minutes with Marketing Officer of Aish

1:30 -4:00 Break to do last minute shopping and Lunch

4:30 Meet back at hotel

Fill out evaluation forms

5:30 Meet for Banquet Dinner at a beautiful house in the Old City

7:30 Pack bus and Leave to Airport

L'hitraot Next Year!!

Upcoming Trips

Level Up Solidarity Mission to Israel

From: Nov, 11 2024
Till: Nov, 18 2024

Level Up Emunah Solidarity Retreat

From: Feb, 10 2025
Till: Feb, 17 2025