
Level Up Emunah Solidarity Retreat

LEVEL UP! Advanced Emunah Solidarity Retreat

Give and Grow- Unite with the Jewish People, Connect to God, to Israel and to Your Soul. 

Tentative Itinerary - subject to change based on security issues, availability of speakers, hotels and events.

Monday, Feb. 10th, 2025

Arrive in Israel

Meet at the David Citadel hotel at 1:00pm

Bus Stops at Airport at 2:00pm

Bus leaves airport at 2:30pm

Travel up north

4:00 pm Check in to Carmel Forest Spa

Time to settle in

6:00 Getting to Know You - meet Israeli counterparts and hear about healing the rifts in the nation in Israel since Oct. 7th

7:00 Dinner

 Introducing the Give and Grow Concept- Volunteering and Contributing to the Nation in Israel

8:30 pm Zumba\ Dance with Debbie Hirsch  at the hotel


Overnight Carmel Forest Spa

Tuesday, Feb 11th, 2025

Optional: Sunrise Hike 

8:00 Yoga and mediation near the pool 

9:30 Breakfast

10:30 Leave to Volunteering on a Farm: Fruit and Vegetable Picking, Help Israeli famers who struggle with loss of their livelihood and their foreign workers

12:30 Head to Zichron Yaakov: 

  Emunah-festations  Dini Coopersmith on the bus

1:30 Food and Wine Tour with Shani Amichai "Teima mehatzafon" - a Taste of the North

3:30 Head back to Carmel Forest Spa

4:30 Stretches with Shira

6:30 Dinner

7:30 Wine and Vision: What can be My Unique Contribution and Mission Statement?

9:00-10:00  Jewelry Making Workshop 

Overnight: Carmel Forest Spa

Wednesday, Feb 12th, 2025 

8:00  Hike in the Carmel Forest 

9:00 Breakfast 

10:00 Meditation and Prayer led by Yocheved Pamensky

11:00  Check out and pack the bus

Depart to Charish 

11:45 Meet with Hadas Lowenstern, widow of Elisha Lowenstern, Hy"d, who was killed in action in Gaza in Dec., 2023

Hear about Emunah, courage and resilience.

1:00 Lunch in Ceasaria at Pamensky Residence

2:00 Bus to Tel Aviv

Earth, Wind and Fire: what are my unique strengths?  Dini Coopersmith on the bus

Visit Sheba Hospital in Tel Aviv and bring gifts and cards to wounded soldiers in Rehabilitation


4:00  Depart to Jerusalem

5:30 Check in to David Citadel Jerusalem

Free evening

Optional: Prayer at the Kotel 

Overnight: David Citadel Jerusalem

Thursday, Feb. 13th, 2025

7:30 Prayer and Meditation led by Chaya Lester

8:30 Breakfast

9:30 Qigong, Meditation and Mindfulness with Cindy Weissman and Karen Kuflik

10:30 Travel to Yad Binyamin

Poetry on the Bus with Chaya Lester

11:45 Meet with  Tami Goldberg  and hear how she has been filling her life with meaning and giving 

Meet Rachel Goldberg-Polin, mother of Hersh, taken hostage from the Nova Festival on Oct. 7th and murdered in captivity. Hear a story of leadership, resilience and Emunah.

1:00 Lunch at Tami Goldberg's house

2:00 pm Visit the Nova festival site, pay tribute to the fallen and bear witness to this modern-day pogrom

Prayer Circle

4:00 Stop at Shuva Rest stop- volunteer at this amazing place of Chessed 

5:00 Head back to Jerusalem

Free evening

Overnight David Citadel Jerusalem

Friday, Feb. 14th, 2025


9:00 The Power of Tehillim            Mrs. Rivka Segal

10:15 Getting to the Root of Solidarity       R. Nechemia Coopersmith

11:30 Optional: Leave to shuk

12:00-3 Free for lunch and Prep for Shabbat

4:00 Leave to Aish Building

4:45 Candle Lighting at Aish World Center

Pray and Dance at Kotel 

Dinner Aish World Center

Dvar Torah

Oneg Shabbat

Overnight David Citadel

Shabbat, February 15th, 2025

Optional: Shabbat services 

Kiddush/ Breakfast

10:30 5 steps to Leveling Up your relationship with God         Dini Coopersmith 

11:30 Leave to Shabbat Lunch hosts

3:00 Rest

4:00 The Purpose of Prayer and Manifesting Blessings     Rebetzin Yehudis Golshevsky

6:30  Havdala

Melaveh Malka with Chaya Lester: Creative Words Workshop

Sunday, February 16th, 2025


8:30 Judaism and Acheiving Serenity          Rabbi Dov Ber Cohen

9:30 When the Going gets Tough, the Tough get Going        Rav Eitiel Goldwicht 

11:00 Depart to Gush Etzion

11:40 Meet Ayala ben Yosef

Tour Tekoa and visit Artist Gallery

Leave to Army base: Meet Women Soldiers, bring gifts of make up, cosmetics and toiletries, and Hear their stories of Courage and Resilience

Hafrashat Challa and  Israeli Dance class with Ayala with the women soldiers

4:00 Meet Leo Dee and hear about Emunah, seeing the Light in the Darkness and The Power of Unity

Prepare bbq for the soldiers (men and women:)

5:00 BBQ Dinner with soldiers! 

7:00 pm Back to Jerusalem

Overnight: David Citadel Jerusalem

Monday, February 17th, 2024

9:30 Taking it all Home         Dini Coopersmith

10:30 Check out of Hotel

Load Bus or put Luggage in Storage

11:30 Meet Eliana Passentin in Shiloh

Tour Shiloh and hear about Eliana's contribution to the State of Israel since Oct. 7th

1:00  Stop in Houmus Eliyahu for a quick bite for lunch

2:00 Depart back to Jerusalem

3:00 Shop for last-minute presents to take home, and Support Israeli businesses

5:00 Meet in Mamilla for Banquet Dinner at Kedma in Jerusalem

7:00 Leave to Airport!

See you back here soon in happier times!



Upcoming Trips

Level Up Solidarity Mission to Israel

From: Nov, 11 2024
Till: Nov, 18 2024

Level Up Emunah Solidarity Retreat

From: Feb, 10 2025
Till: Feb, 17 2025